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Feb 23, 2019

Five Wrestlers In Search Of Whatchamacallit

Hello, and welcome to episode 318 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

Grab yer spandex and yer definitely-not-choreographed-at-all moves - it's time to bring some...

Feb 9, 2019

Zwammo - Just Say No (No)!

Hello, and welcome to episode 317 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

What time is it? Why, it's time for a new herald for Galactus! And the Fantastic Four find themselves conscripted to...