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Jun 24, 2017

Bobblehead Galactus

Hello, and welcome to episode 237 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

It's an anniversary week at The Fantasticast, as we get to grips with the not-super-sized Fantastic Four #175. The High...

Jun 17, 2017

The Inessential Tigra

Hello, and welcome to episode 236 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week on the show, we're taking a look at the history of the Cat People, as Tigra - The 61st Sexiest Female Character...

Jun 10, 2017

I Drove My Fantasticar Through Your Haystack Last Night

Hello, and welcome to episode 235 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week, we continue our journey through the story of the High Evolutionary / Galactus...

Jun 3, 2017

No Charge? I Still Want A Refund!

Hello, and welcome to episode 234 of The Fantasticast. Each week, Steve Lacey and Andy Leyland guide you through every issue, guest-appearance and cameo of The Fantastic Four.

This week is a Marvel Two-in-One week, and what a week it is. Marvel Two-in-One #18 features possible the most...