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May 24, 2014

Pac-Man Gobbling Kirby Krackle

Episode 82 of The Fantasticast is upon us, and Steve's in a begging tenaciously-requesting mood. Desperate for shares, retweets and iTunes reviews, he's taken to the airwaves to ask for your help.

Once this is out of the way, Steve and Andy get down to what is possibly our shortest episode...

May 17, 2014

Just Who Is Irving Forbush Anyway?

Don't ask us. We'll try to answer any question. Why does Crystal not use her powers in a situation which would demand that they be used? Why does Steve think that he can inflict singing on his audience on a semi-regular basis? And why The Thinker? But we won't even begin to touch the...

May 10, 2014

Doom/Silver Surfer: The Original Odd Couple

I say that, there's absolutely no Doctor Doom or Silver Surfer in this episode...

What there is, however, is Steve Lacey and Andrew Leyland's coverage of the second part of the greatest late-era Stan Lee and Jack Kirby Fantastic Four story. Doctor Stand-ini has done something...

May 3, 2014

I Wonder Who The Mystery Villain Is...

Episode 79 of The Fantasticast is here, kicking off a brand new storyline as the enigmatic and not-at-all-related-to-Airwolf Dr Santini arrives in town to mess about with Ben's brain chemistry. Don't worry - he's been invited! But a mystery villain who is not at all easy to guess...