Apr 12, 2014
The Great Latverian Bake-Off!
It's muffin week here in the Fantasticast tent. Will Mary Berry be impressed by Victor's blueberry surprise muffins? And will Paul Hollywood survive his criticism of Victor's cake density?
Will Steve Lacey, Andy Leyland and returning guest host Seb Patrick find a coherently-plotted story amongst the destruction of the Beehive? When exactly opens the cocoon? And will Stan ever learn to use correct syntax in his story titles?
It's the actual first no-really-we're-not-kidding appearance of Adam Warlock in Fantastic Four #67. We also take a brief look at the Nick Fury: Agent Of SHIELD strip in Strange Tales #161, featuring so much lovely Jim Steranko artwork that the actual story... well, it's reduced to being told in an unconventional manner.
Seb's just launched a new website featuring comics reviews and criticism: Panel Beats. Why not head over there and read his thoughts on this week's Doop #1, take a look at a Saved By The Bell comic, or get a guide to Ed Brubaker's Winter Soldier stories? Find the site at http://www.panelbeats.co.uk
Why not check out some of Seb's writing at http://www.sebpatrick.co.uk, or follow @sebpatrick on twitter? (https://twitter.com/sebpatrick). A Brief History Of Time Travel is available from http://www.abhott.com, where the entire series is availble on a pay-what-you-want basis.
Send in your feedback to fantastic4podcast@gmail.com, leave your comments at the libsyn site, or at fantasticflameon.wordpress.com. Follow us on twitter, where we are @fantasticast